Sunday. Day of rest needed, indeed this week. After the marathon shopping session in Little India yesterday, I needed a day to get some things done and get mentally prepared for school tomorrow.
I woke up, showered and was out the door by 7:45am. My goal was to make it to the 8:30am Weight Watcher's meeting on Clark. I planned out the route last night and was confident in the plan. It started off well, then my colon interjected. A quick trip to Starbucks to use the facilities and grab an Americano made me miss the first and second L I planned on, but it was meant to be! I bumped into the pastry chef/owner of Hoosier Mama Pie Company and we chatted a bit, mostly about the crazy/wonderful sanitation teacher we've both had for the SafeServ classes. I think I might try to stage at her bakery. She has a great background, lots of experience, and I think I could learn a lot!
Anyway, jumped on the next L, rode to Belmont and walked to a mall on Clark where the WW meeting/storefront is located. I weighed in and lost this week! Total shock to me since Kyle and I sampled some of Chicago's great treats like cheese and caramel corn, hot dogs and not to mention that half-eaten carton of PB cup ice cream in my freezer. Nevertheless, losing this week was a welcome surprise. With this loss, I reached and surpassed by 10% goal! I liked the leader and a couple of people came up to me afterward to introduce themselves and chat. It's nice to have a support group like that no matter where I am!
I ventured home, got off at Bryn Mawr just around 9:45am. 15 minutes until the tailor shop opened up and I could pick up my uniform pants. I walked around the neighborhood, scouting out places to take my in-laws for lunch later in the day. I got to the tailor just as he was opening up, procured my pants and walked home. Did a little cleaning up, talked to my father-in-law to make plans and got ready. Did you know that you can use toothpaste to shine up your silver/sterling jewelry? I had a pair of earrings I wanted to wear but were looking a little sad and discolored. I remembered reading that toothpaste would do the job in a pinch, so I tried it and it worked! Good to know.
I met my in-laws at Ben's Noodle and Rice in my neighborhood. Good to see them and catch up. Nice to hear about things happening at home and adventures they are going on. It was so nice to see more familiar faces when Kyle isn't around. I've been lucky so far; Kyle left on Thursday and Friday was the only day I didn't see someone I knew from life before Chicago. It was a tough day, but I know can't to get used to being so spoiled with friends and family passing through the city. Use of the aforementioned big girl pants will have to increase.
Came home and chatted with my parents a little bit. Did I mention it is Kyle's birthday today? Kinda stinks to be apart from him on a special day, but we can't really change that. I'm planning a fun date for him tomorrow night when he arrives. Tomorrow is the last night I have before my crazy schedule starts: work at 4:30am, school at 1:15pm, sleep and repeat. I hope I don't keel over when that starts. I hope that I can get used to it, but if not, something will have to to give. And let me tell you now, it won't be pastry school, that's for sure.
Alright. I don't know what I'll do the rest of the day. Maybe organize notes from lecture on Friday. Maybe a walk or the beach (not swimming- E. Coli infested waters closed our swimming beach). Or grocery store. Hrm... the possibilities!
Enjoy a picture!